February 17, 2014
Tomorrow is the first day of early voting in the Texas Republican Primary — I’m urging you to join me in voting for the following State Supreme Court Justices for re-election: Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Justice Jeff Brown, Justice Jeff Boyd, and Justice Phil Johnson.
Each of these experienced and respected judges will uphold the Constitution and accurately apply the law. They do not legislate from the bench. They are fair and impartial, and have proven conservative records as judges.
As both a lawyer in private practice and as former Solicitor General of the State of Texas, I know the importance of honest and competent judges. It has an important impact on our economy, on our freedoms, and on an orderly society. These Justices have integrity, scholarship and diligence — they have earned our support.
Please click here to find your polling place and be sure to bring your photo ID. Whether you choose to vote early from tomorrow, Feb. 18th through Feb. 28th or on Election Day, Tues., March 4th, please join me in voting for Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Justice Jeff Brown, Justice Jeff Boyd, and Justice Phil Johnson in the Republican Primary. Thank you!
For Liberty,
Ted Cruz
P.S. Whether you choose to vote early or on Election Day, please be sure to attend your precinct convention after the polls close on March 4th. The precinct convention is the first step in the political convention process that leads to the Republican Party of Texas State Convention. Please click here to find your precinct convention location and more information about the process.