Texas Civil Justice League

Political Action Committee

Texas businesses, health care providers, and trade and professional associations established the Texas Civil Justice League Political Action Committee (TCJL PAC) in 1986 for the purpose of supporting candidates for the Texas Supreme Court committed to the doctrine of judicial restraint and deference to the Legislature in matters involving new rights to sue. During that time the Court became the most plaintiff-friendly high court in the nation, earning the Wall Street Journal’s moniker, “the courthouse for the world.”

The TCJL PAC has turned all of that around. Since the late 1980s, the Texas Supreme Court has become one of the most highly regarded and scholarly courts in the nation. Its opinions set the standard for the rest of the country. In addition, the TCJL PAC is the only statewide business PAC that supports judges and justices for the 14 Texas appellate courts, who decide more than 95% of all appeals. Finally, the TCJL PAC assists candidates for the Texas Legislature who support our goals for a fair, balanced, and efficient business liability system.

For membership information, contact Carol Sims at 512-320-0474 by e-mail.


Texas Civil Justice League
Political Action Committee

400 West 15th Street, Suite 1400
Austin, Texas 78701


Current legislative articles & info
Legislative resources and summaries
Current Texas election schedules
TCJL board and staff information
TCJL publications since 1988
Amicus briefs


Current judicial articles & info
Political event & fundraising event info
Election & legislative session info
TCJL PAC endorsements & press releases
Statewide, house & senate race candidates
Texas appellate/Supreme Court judges


Judicial articles and info
Judicial candidate race info
Texas Supreme Court judge races
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals races
Texas District Courts of Appeals races
Texas court structure & election history

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