Incumbents for Texas Supreme Court
February 9, 2016 (Austin) — The Texas Civil Justice League Political Action Committee (TCJL PAC) today endorsed a slate of candidates for election to the Texas Supreme Court for the March 1 Republican primary. Judicial endorsements for this November’s general election will be determined this fall. The list of endorsed candidates is as follows:
Debra Lehrmann*(R), Texas Supreme Court, Place 3
Paul Green*(R), Texas Supreme Court, Place 5
Eva Guzman*(R), Texas Supreme Court, Place 9
“One of TCJL PAC’s primary functions is to educate voters about the importance of judicial elections and to offer recommendations for experienced and well-qualified candidates for judicial office,” said Red McCombs, TCJL PAC Chairman. “We believe that this slate of candidates represents a distinguished group of jurists who will continue to serve the judicial system and the people of this state with dedication, honor, and integrity.”
Formed in 1986, the TCJL PAC supports statewide, legislative, and judicial candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who are committed to creating and maintaining a fair and efficient Texas civil justice system. It has more than 5,000 members in Texas.
Paul Green (R)*
Supreme Court of Texas, Place 5
Decades of excellent service to Texas and the Court.
In Paul Green I have seen the reflection of what Texas is truly all about. He is a man of honor, of integrity and I will suggest to you history will show one of the great Supreme Court Justices of the State of Texas. – Former Governor Rick Perry
Eva Guzman (R)*
Supreme Court of Texas, Place 9
A trailblazer in the Texas judiciary.
Eva Guzman’s experience, intellect, and work ethic make her an outstanding judge. I am proud to endorse her re-election to the Texas Supreme Court— Governor Greg Abbott
Debra Lehrmann (R)*
Supreme Court of Texas, Place 3
Published expert in family law.
Justice Lehrmann is a dedicated, diligent jurist who listens closely, studies carefully, and decides each case without fear or favor. She eminently deserves another term on the State’s highest court, and Texans are fortunate that she is willing to serve. — Tom Phillips, former Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court
Kevin Jewell (R)
14th Court of Appeals, Place 2 (Houston)
Stellar experience and qualifications. Board certified in Civil Appellate Law.
“Kevin Jewell is incisive, decisive, thorough, fascinated by the law, and passionate in the pursuit of fair and even-handed justice. That is his ‘agenda’ – his only agenda.”
The Honorable Murry Cohen, former Justice, 1st Court of Appeals
David J. Schenck (R)*
5th Court of Appeals, Place 7 (Dallas)
Tremendous asset to the 5th Court. Board certified in Civil Appellate Law.
Justice David Schenck is a highly qualified, experienced conservative jurist who recognizes that a judge’s job is to interpret the law–not legislate from the bench. As Deputy Attorney General prior to becoming a judge, David fought side-by-side with me to uphold conservative, constitutionalist principles as we battled the Obama administration. As Governor, I am proud to support my friend and former colleague David Schenck for the Fifth Court of Appeals. —Governor Greg Abbott