June 9, 2015

Wide open contests are already starting to take shape all across the Great State

One of the political realities in Texas is that campaigns never really stop. Many seasoned observers of the Texas Legislature said this session was the first time they can recall when there was zero daylight between governing and politicking. The 140 days were not yet concluded when some top lieutenants of Speaker Joe Straus drew challengers for their Republican primaries.

And while Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has said he will not actively be working to support incumbent senators, Speaker Straus signaled Tuesday morning that he will “of course” have the backs of his chairmen in their primaries as Midland oilman Tim Dunn and his hired guns work to unseat them.

There’s plenty of bar talk and gossip amongst the lobby about which races will be the hottest contests to watch up and down the ballot. Announcements from Texas House candidates are coming fast and furious now, so I may miss a few. Feel free to reach out and let us at Buzz Central know what you’re hearing.

This list is meant to put these races on your radar. We’ll take in-depth looks at each of them as we ramp up our campaign coverage.

Several seats are wide open with a concentration of them in Harris County, so let’s start in the muggy political swamp that is Houston politics.

The rest of the story, subscribers only

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