June 30, 2015
I’m Excited to Stand for Reelection!
I’m excited to announce that I’m running for reelection to the Texas House of Representatives. During my tenure I’ve worked diligently to pass conservative, balanced budgets that address border security, education, road funding and other key areas. I’ve also fought for the cause of Life, the expansion of Second Amendment rights and the protection of religious liberty. This past session we also had great success in advancing victim’s rights and protecting children and women from predators.
When action is demanded I proved that I’m willing to step up and fight for you. Many of you called me when area toll road authorities were overbilling Central Texas drivers. I heard you and I took on the bureaucracy and demanded accountability. Those efforts ultimately led to more than $1.5 million in refunds to local drivers and changes in how the toll roads are operated.
In my first run for the Texas House my motto was, “do no harm”. Now my goal is to leave Texas better than I found it so that we may pass on to our children and grandchildren the wonderful opportunities Texas has provided for us.
I’m optimistic about the future of Williamson County and of Texas. I’m committed to putting you and Texas first. I’ll fight to keep Texas government limited and functional, unlike our national government in Washington, DC.
Together with my wife Mary and my children we look forward to seeing our friends and neighbors on the campaign trail to discuss positive solutions to the challenges we face in our fast growing communities. To the voters of Southwestern Williamson County I thank you most sincerely for the honor of representing you at the Capitol. I wake up everyday in service to you. With your approval and help I hope to continue to be at your service.
God Bless Texas!