August 29, 2013
Contact: Governor’s Press Office, 512-463-1826
Lucy Nashed: or Josh Havens:
Gov. Rick Perry has appointed Robert Hofmann of Mason as judge of the 452nd Judicial District Court in Edwards, Kimble, McCulloch, Mason and Menard counties for a term to expire at the next general election.
Hofmann is presiding judge of the Child Protection Court of the Hill Country and former Mason County attorney. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, National Association of Counsel for Children, Child Protection Court Advisory Committee, and Texas Association of Child Protection Judges. He is also a member of the Texas Supreme Court Children’s Commission and chair of the commission’s Texas Blueprint Implementation Task Force. He is vice chair of the First United Methodist Church of Mason Church Council, and a leader and staff care coordinator of Mason Young Life. He is also past Texas judicial representative of the U.S. Children’s Bureau Collaboration, and a community leader in the creation and organization of Bluebonnet CASA.
Hofmann received a bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University and a law degree from the Texas Tech University School of Law.